FTC Disclaimer Statement – Compensation Disclosure

This Compensation Disclosure has been provided for your protection and to fully disclose any relationship between Wasootch and Zazzle. It is always recommended that before you purchase products or services on the Internet, including those on this website, that you conduct your own research and exercise due diligence.

Wasootch is required by the FTC to inform you that a relationship exists between ourselves and the products we are promoting on this website

  • Order Fulfillment

    While we are displaying, recommending, and reviewing Zazzle products on this website, it should be noted that all products are purchased from the Zazzle website and Zazzle handles all order fulfillment including customer service, payment, delivery, and returns.

  • Material Affiliation

    The majority of products listed on this website are either products with graphics designed by us and sold on Zazzle or products with graphics designed by other designers and sold on Zazzle. All the links to Zazzle products on this website are affiliate marketing links, and if you purchase products through these links then we may get paid a commission. The amount of commission varies from product to product and allows us to keep our product pricing low. We are recommending these products in good faith. We have, ourselves, purchased an extensive variety of product and design samples from Zazzle and we feel that Zazzle products merit our recommendation.

    When any website makes any recommendation of a product or service it is advisable to assume the possibility of a material connection or relationship with the owners of those products or services.

  • Product/Service Partiality

    Due to the material connection between Wasootch and Zazzle, it must be understood that a bias for Zazzle products might exist. A bias, although based on facts, could have developed because of compensation for recommendations from Zazzle although every effort has been made to provide accurate and true information about each product and we have tried to mention as much relevant information about the product as we can on the product pages.

    Before entering into any agreement or purchasing any product from Zazzle, it is advisable to understand the potential partiality of Wasootch due to possible compensation from the Zazzle products recommended on this website. You should perform your own research and exercise due diligence prior to purchasing products or services from any website.

  • Compensation

    After clicking on an affiliate link to a Zazzle product on this website, should you then purchase the Zazzle product that was recommended by Wasootch or any other Zazzle product, please be aware that a commission might be paid to Wasootch. This, in no way, increases the cost of the product you are purchasing.

This Compensation disclosure statement has been made to inform that a material connection between a Zazzle product mentioned, reviewed or recommended by this website and Wasootch exists and that compensation to Wasootch may be made should you purchase any Zazzle product.

Every effort has been made to provide true and accurate statements in regards to any and all products mentioned, reviewed or recommended by this website.

Should you have any questions, comments or concerns and would like to receive an answer or ask a question prior to purchasing any product or service mentioned on this website you can contact the website owner directly using the contact us form.